Thursday, February 17, 2011

All Wool Is Not Created Equal

Nice Threads is of the fiber, for the fiber and by the fiber and fiber people and fiber artists. Part of our mission is to create easy access to the best in supplies and tools for fiber arts.

We've only been open a week, and so far our selection is small,  but we can tell you where our supplies come from, how to use them and how they will perform, because we use what we sell.

At left are some of our felting wool and needle kits. Different breeds of sheep, felt and pattern differently, and experience is the best teacher. When you purchase supplies from Nice Threads we will educate you to  buy the fiber best suited to your creation.

I invite you to join us for
Beginning Needle felting - Paint and Sculpt with Wool
all levels

Through the magic of wool and the felting needle we will learn to create 2 and 3 dimensional projects for fun, fashion and function.
February 24 11-2. Follow the link for online registration or stop in and see us.

The Schacht Flip Rigid Heddle looms are here and they are a joy to weave on.
Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving; Skein to Scarf in Three hour
all levels
Using beautiful fibers and a simple loom you will learn to warp and weave a fashion scarf in one session. We'll begin by creating a simple woven journal to record our experiences.
presented by Robyn Josephs
March 2, 16 (3 hr class, offered Wednesday afternoons)
1pm - 3pm
$40 class fee, Materials fee $10.      

Your first scarf will let beautiful yarns do a lot of the work as you build your weaving skills. Because we sell yarn by the pound it is very economical. You can buy what you need, and soon you will be dying your yarns and creating the colors you want!
 Please stop by with any questions and just to hang out and talk fiber. The coffee pot is on!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

All In an Opening Days Work

 Friends and Fiber artists were knocking on the door before we unlocked it this morning.
Many stopped by with good wishes and all agreed Nice Threads was wanted, needed and loved in Black Mountain and the Fiber community.

Dave stopped by with the first edition of Exclusive to Nice Threads Hand Turned Drop Spindles.
Needless to day, I dropped everything and spun up a beautiful yarn.
Eileen came by on her way to open house at Echoview Farm( more on that later) with her intriguing loom shaped and naturally dyed jackets-Yes- Eileen is teaching at Nice Threads- photos to follow soon.
Mountain Lady came and gave me a big hug, and lots to dream on...........
and more than my tired brain can type at you now.
Thanks to all for stopping by and making our first day memorable
Thanks For GETTING
what Nice Threads is all about.
Fiber and folks who Love
and the artisans and tools that nurture and support us in playing, working and living the arts and crafts we love.
Thanks to all and to Leslie for making it all real.
See you tomorrow,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here Come the Threads!

Stunning handwoven wearable art by Liz Spear, Neal Howard and more.
This flared jacket handwoven, designed and tailored by Liz Spear, and marbled by Laura Sims.
Yes, you can come in and try it on-just in time for Valentines Day, or any day, or night.
This is just a teaser- come see us Saturday, Sunday and Monday 11-4 to find out what is happening at Nice Threads.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Open House at Nice Threads

Spinners, Shepherdess' and Wannabees Flash Mob Nice Threads.
What happens when you mix together
Friends and

Look left and see Eileen and Nancie in the Cotton Corner uncovering the mysteries of the Charkha and their smart phones.

Thanks all for joining us as we begin the Nice Threads Fiber Journey.
Late Winter and early Spring class schedule coming soon.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nice Threads has a Sign!

What's black,white,yellow, a thread of red and leads you to the new Fiberart Gallery/Studio  in Black Mountain, North Carolina?

It's a sign! Beautiful work Jimmy, in three dimensional lettering ( no special effect glasses needed).


Friday, February 4, 2011

Getting there is half the fun

Yes, we are having fun! Painting is done and the Gallery is ready for moving in day. Thanks once again to the many hands who helped to make work light.

Nature abhors a vacuum and the Call for Entry for Nice Thread's first exhibit will be posted soon. Watch this space and Facebook 
for up to date details.

Leave a  comment  to get on our mailing list, say nice things and ask any questions you might have about Nice Threads.



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